Owner of the website:
Avex Zrt.
2440 Százhalombatta Csenterics S. u. 3.
Adószám: 22979216-2-13
Data protection policy:
Seller only asks data from the Customer that is vital for the order, delivery or billing. Seller only uses the Customer’s data to complete the order. Customer’s data only accessible for the Seller’s fellow-workers. Seller only give the Customer’s data for someone else if it is necessary to complete the order (shipping company).
During the order confirmation the Customer has the opportunity to subscribe for the Seller’s newsletter. For the order it’s not required to subscribe for the newsletter. In case of subscription the Seller will handle these data separately from the others of the Customer’s. Seller won’t forward these data to anyone else. Customer is able to modify or resign the terms of the newsletter and data with a letter to the Seller’s customer service anytime he/she wants it.
Seller handles, stores the Customer’s data according to the operative data protection law, everything suits the 1992. évi LXVI. law and the 2001. évi CVIII. law.